What does it mean to “mine” Bitcoin?

By: Brita at CryptoCurrently
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

It’s been a wild week with everything going on in the crypto and stock markets. And as much as I’ve been following the memes, racking up Dogecoin (sort of) and watching r/wallstreetbets, I’ve also been researching crypto mining — for example, is it worth it to mine Dogecoin now?

Outside of picking which currency you want to mine, there are a lot of decisions you need to make and things you should know about the only way to earn *new* crypto. From how mining really works to the why behind it and what’s going to happen when we reach the limits of coin mining, let’s go…



By: Brita at CryptoCurrently

Writer, storyteller, crypto-enthusiast. Making cryptocurrency accessible to everyone. Visit my website & sign up for the newsletter for more on crypto.